How I work
Some people prefer the privacy of meeting virtually from their own home or find it too difficult or time-consuming to travel. I therefore offer therapy sessions exclusively online via videoconference (Microsoft Teams, Skype or Zoom).
Before we agree to engage in therapy, I offer an initial 20-minute telephone consultation at no charge. We will discuss what has been troubling you and the sort of help that you might need. If we agree that you might benefit from therapy with me, we will then meet for an in-depth, 75-minute assessment online via videoconference during which we will discuss your current presentation and symptoms, your background and history and the proposed course of treatment. I will then follow up with a detailed written assessment report.
Thereafter, we will meet via videoconference at weekly or fortnightly intervals.

What we discuss in therapy is confidential. The only exception is if I feel that there is an imminent risk either to your own safety or that of others. Additionally, all psychologists are required to have regular supervision of their clinical work. The discussions that I have in supervision are confidential and I would not use your name or any other identifiable personal information.